
The cold burns in my face, large crystals of ice are lying on the thick, feather-light layer of powder snow. The valley lies in shadow, bathed in blue light, the first rays of sunshine linger on the mountain peaks and smoke rises into the sky from the chimney of the stable. Animal tracks are everywhere: hares, foxes, weasels, chamois. The imprints of paws and cloven hooves form lines, zigzag around the barely visible fence posts, cross each other and disappear into the distance.

Tracks is a series of six woollen throws made from merino wool and the long, soft curls of the Norwegian fur sheep, which graze in the barren coastal landscapes and feed on grass and heather plants. In the spinning mill in Hillesvåg, the wool is carefully cleaned and the light and dark grey locks are spun together and dyed without previous bleaching. This results in beautiful, slighly mottled yarns with deep colours.

The throws were created out of the need to escape the strict geometry of the weaving structure. Each piece is freehand embroidered and covered with a unique track pattern, the fringes are irregular and organic-looking. The robust throws measure appx. 135 x 210 cm and are brushed by hand until the surface is soft and fluffy. There are six colours, have a look in my tiny shop!


100 kg yarn


Mushroom Obsession